Denver West Campus JROTC
Directions to Hyatt Regency Tech Center
From I-25 North
Take Belleview exit (#199) and turn left
Go two blocks to S. Ulster St. and turn left
Go two blocks to E. Tufts Ave. and turn left
This will lead you to the hotel’s front drive
From I-25 South
Take Belleview exit (#199) and turn right
Go two blocks to S. Ulster St. and turn left
Go two blocks to E. Tufts Ave. and turn left
This will lead you to the hotel’s front drive
Denver West JROTC requests your support for JROTC competetions, Equpiment, and other JROTC activities. Denver West JROTC
competes in 12 Marksmanship, five Drill (armed and unarmed), five Honor Platoon, four Raider,
and five Color Guard Competitions throughout the school year. JROTC has to pay entry fees of
roughly $10 per cadet for each event which totals to approximately $2000 annually. Any
donation that you can provide will be greatly appreciated and put to good use for our
All Cadets will score 95% or higher on the Cadet Knowledge Test by